Our interdisciplinary team has a range of expertise including remote sensing, computational ecology, forest ecology, data science and machine learning
Alina Zare
Associate Professor
Alina Zare teaches and conducts research in the area of pattern recognition and machine learning at the University of Florida.
Dylan Stewart
Dylan is a PhD student at the University of Florida supervised by Dr. Alina Zare interested in Machine Learning and Computer Vision.
Stephanie Bohlman
Associate Professor
Stephanie Bohlman is an associate professor in the School of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida. She teaches and conducts research on forest ecology and remote sensing.
Sarah Graves
Sarah Graves manages a Master of Science Program in environmental remote sensing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her Ph.D. was advised by Stephanie Bohlman.
Ethan White
Associate Professor
Ethn White is an Associate Professor, Dept. Wildlife Ecology & Conservation, University of Florida. He is a cofounder of the WEecology lab, and is interested in data-intensive questions in ecology, using large ecological datasets, advanced statistical/machine learning methods, and theoretical modeling to understand ecological patterns.
Sergio Marconi
Sergio Marconi is currently a PhD student in Interdisciplinary Ecology at University of Florida. He is interesting in predicting functional patterns of vegetation, and is advised by Dr White.
Ben Weinstein
Ben Weinstein is a Postdoc at the WEecology lab. Ben works on converting remote sensing data into ecological information and integrating this information into large scale models.
Glenda Yenni
Project Manager
Glenda manages large collaborative projects for the WEecology lab.
Daisy Zhe Wang
Associate Professor
Daisy Zhe Wang is an Associate Professor in the CISE department at the University of Florida, and directs the Data Science Research lab.
Aditya Singh
Assistant Professor
Aditya Singh is an assistant professor of Remote Sensing in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Florida.
Hyun Choi
Hyun Choi is a computer science undergraduate student at the Data Science Research Lab at University of Florida.
Ira Harmon
Ira Harmon is a PhD student in computer science, interested in species classification on remote sensing data.